
How to wear a monochromatic outfit?

monochromatic outfit

A monochromatic outfit is a trend that regularly resurfaces on catwalks. This spring-summer 2017, it didn’t fail to appear through many fashion collections. A monochromatic outfit, also known as “tone-on-tone outfit,” consists of wearing pieces of one colour. Although, at first glance, monochromatic outfits look simple, this is particularly appreciated because it has the merit of lengthening the silhouette.

Here are a few tips on how to wear a monochromatic outfit like a star:

Mixing materials

The mix of textures brings personality to your outfit. It shows that you’re not afraid to take risks.

Playing with shades

Well, this is not because we said “monochromatic” that everything must be the same shade. So, dare to play with shades and create a movement in your outfit.

monochromatic outfit
Source images: Google images – Jessica Alba, Lauren Conrad, Rihanna, Solange Knowles

Adding touches of colour with the accessories

A total look can sometimes look too simple. Therefore, don’t hesitate to add touches of colours with some accessories to break the “coordinated side.” For example, I love the combination of a complete royal blue look with silver accessories.

Being careful with fluorescent colours

If you already have difficulties in coordinating your clothes in your daily life, I will recommend you forget fluorescent colours. It’s already difficult to put on a monochromatic look with this type of colours without being too much. So, if you’re not sure of your choice, opt for softer and more neutral shades like white and pastel colours. On the other hand, if you can stay cool as the difficulty increases, make sure to carefully pick the pieces you would like to wear. Ensure that the colour you want to wear goes well with your skin tone and favour classic cuts.

Souce featured images: Google images – Jessica White, Heidi Klum, Beyoncé, Ciara